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Collecting pencils for children in Africa


Charity project


In our charity project, organized by the participants of the Erasmus+ project "Get addicted to happiness", we gathered a sum of 1100,00 kn which was donated to the children of the Pediatric wing of the Sisters of Charity Hospital in Zagreb in order to make their stay in hospital more pleasant. The gathered funds were presented in the form of a gift certificate for the Muller store so that they can choose to buy the children what they need the most (school supplies, board games, etc.).


Once again, we are thankful to everybody who participated in our charity project.



A Pencil for Africa was a "Get Addicted to Happiness" task. The aim was to collect pencils to send to a NGO. Here we show you some photos of our pencils that are to be given to our solidarity Club " Clube Viver a Vida". All the items will be later delivered to children who need them.


Polish Erasmus Team collecting pencils for children in Africa.
At the end of April 2017 Polish Erasmus Club members organized charity event “Pencils for Africa”. We collected school supplies for the underprivileged children from African countries. The action was very successful. We believe, that our pencils, pens and crayons will give the kids chance to write their way to a better future.

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